Gold Rush Alaska Networth

Gold Rush Alaska Reality Stars Net Worth

How Much Gold has" Gold Rush Alaska" really found?

gold rush alaska net worth, stars networth
The Stars of Gold Rush Alaska
    Gold Rush reality television show is previously known as "Gold Rush Alaska" is a reality show that airs on Discovery TV Channel. The show features strong-minded men who are reacting to the current financial downturn in America to go and hunt for gold in the wilderness of the far north Alaska Goldfields.

The first season of the show was named Gold Rush Alaska and features six men from Sandy, Oregon, which is a small town located 30 miles southeast of Portland. In season 2 the show was renamed simply "Gold Rush". Todd Hoffman forfeits a lease on Porcupine Creek after "Dakota" Fred Hurt buys the claim from under him from the owner Earl Foster.

Between seasons two and three of the Gold Rush Show, Todd Hoffman and some crew members travel to a far-flung region in Guyana, South America hunting for gold during the Klondike frozen winter season. Even though the crew does find gold at the claims location, it's not worth the effort to cover the high cost of the remote mining area halfway around the world.

Season 4 began airing August 2013, but the real show was premiered on the 25th day of October 2013. It begins with "Gold Rush -The Dirt Episode" as a pre-season opener. Season 5 premiered on the 17th, October 2014 missing one of the most colorful characters on the Gold Rush Show, Dakota Fred. In fact, there was no mention of Dakota Fred coming back to the Gold Rush Season 5 found anywhere. That is until Fred himself posted a message on his Facebook page basically saying none of the Dakota Boys will be appearing on the Gold Rush Show anytime in the near future.

Fred's figured out the miners aren't the only ones finding gold on this show and apparently wants his contract renegotiated before returning for another successful season. Something tells me, like always, Fred will eventually get his way and hopefully return in Gold Rush Season 6.

Gold Rush Reality Stars Net Worth

Parker Schnabel's Net Worth

 Parker Schnabel is the youngest gold miner on the Gold Rush making his debut in season 1 and only seventeen years old. Parker has been mining gold his entire life upon the Big Nugget Claim his grandfather has owned before he was even born. After a very successful Gold Rush Season 5, Parker Schnabel has a Net Worth over $1 million.

Todd Hoffman's Net Worth

 The Gold Rush Alaska Show was first based on Todd Hoffman and his Dad's dream to become a 21st century Gold Miner's. Todd was willing to put his entire net worth on the line for a chance at the American Dream where you can become a millionaire in a single season. Unfortunately, after the first four Gold Rush Seasons, Hoffman's spent considerably more money compared to how much gold was recovered.

Last year in season 5 when Todd and Jack were abandoned by most of the crew, the Hoffman's were more determined than ever to prove they have what it takes to become successful gold miners. Todd Hoffman is finally starting to make a profit Gold Mining on a large scale. After finding more gold in a single year than all others combined, Todd Hoffman's Net Worth is once again approaching the million dollar mark.

Jack Hoffman's Net Worth

 Jack Hoffman is Todd's father who's been Gold Mining for over 25 years. One phrase I remember him saying to the crew in the first season and one I'll never forget is, "You're Already Millionaire's, you just have to go dig it out of the ground". Jack Hoffman's Net Worth also increased last season to an estimated $500,000.00 as he continues to dig towards the million dollar mark.

Dakota Fred Hurt's Net Worth

 Dakota Fred is an American gold prospector with many different talents from underwater rescue training, to an expert in the demolition for hard rock mining explorations. Dakota Fred is also known for his unique way of negotiating shall we say, which has created a sizable net worth for himself and his family. Currently, Dakota Fred Hurt's Net Worth is estimated at over $3.5 million.

Dustin Hurt

Dustin Hurt is Dakota Fred's Son, and a firefighter when he's not out helping his Dad find some gold nuggets. Dustin's first appeared on the Gold Rush Show in the second season and a big hit with the Fans up until the end of the fourth season. Dustin Hurt's Net Worth is estimated at over $1 million and counting.

    Chris Doumitt

Chris Doumitt originally intended to stay on set for Gold Rush Alaska for ten days helping build a cottage for Greg Remsburg and crew. The bug of gold mining quickly caught up with him, and he remained in Alaska for five months and eventually became a key member of the crew. Chris left the Hoffman team after season 3 and worked for Parker Schnabel in season 4 and 5.

Dave Turin's Net Worth

Dave Turin is an engineer by trade with an estimated net worth of $2 million. Turin was born in Sandy, Oregon, and holds a degree in Civil Engineering. Dave has become the glue holding the Hoffman crew together in more than a few occasions.

Tony Beets Net Worth

Tony Beets is a hardcore Dutch-Canadian gold prospector and owns the Tamarack Mine, which is among the most thriving mining operations in the Klondike region. Beets also owns and leases out the Scrivener Creek claim which in season 4, was mined by Parker on his first attempt running a brand new operation. Tony Beet's Net Worth is at least $5 to $7 million which made it easy for him to turn down Parker's business proposal.

Gold Rush Alaska Official Website


  1. I remember Fred's house. No way someone with $3.5M and living away from the coasts lives like that. Other than that, who knows. I suspect most are south of what you say and Parker should be higher. Living at home in the off season. His expenses have to be near nil.

    You need to attribute where you get your numbers so others can fact check.

    1. The equipment to operate these mines are worth megabucks. I can see where a person could easily have a million $'s worth of equipment to operate even a small mine. If I remember right, and I always do, Fred's home was a farmhouse. And farmland can easily be worth $10k per acre. Do you see where I'm going??? Being worth $3.5m, doesn't mean you've got $3.5m cash just laying around. It means you have assets and property totaling over $3.5m and I can see that very easily. These aren't the flashy "Duck Dynasty" guys here. For the most part these appear to be hard working, simple folks. Not flashy, showy people,

    2. Fred's house was a pre-fab, a trailer.

    3. BILLIONAIRE Warren Buffet still lives in the house he and his wife bought over 40 years ago. He could pay CASH for any house in the WORLD!

    4. In fact, it's just a 1400 sq. ft. ranch. Mr. Buffet can pay CASH for any house in the WORLD!

  2. If you think you can figure someone's worth by their home, you're mistaking.

  3. Parker has more than 1 million in equipment alone and mined 4 million in gold in two seasons alone he has to be worth double what they said

    1. $4 million in gold total over 2 years isn't profit for the 2 seasons...

  4. Assets-liabilities=Owner Equity.
    If you have a million in assets and loans of $900,000, you are NOT a millionaire

    1. Oh yes you are a millionaire!

    2. No you are not. If I purchase a house for one million dollars but have to take out a mortgage for $800,000 to complete the sale that makes my net worth about $200,000 ont counting any other assets or liabilities. The $800,000 mortgage is a liability on a net worth statement not an asset. Econ 101 people

    3. You need to take an accounting class or....two there ace!

    4. Seems like Buford France, needs to retake accounting. . Liabilities DO come out of ones net worth.

    5. You or anyone else will never know what any of these guys are really worth! Cash Money and especially gold is not traceable!

  5. Where do you think the money goes? Back into the operation.

  6. I love watching Gold Rush, all the miners are my favorites. My questions, why doesn't Parker, work with his team? One more body will make more. His crew will leave him.

  7. Parker does a he)) of a lot more work than old fat azz todd!

    1. Lies! Long live Todd! Viva la Sandy!

    2. You don't keep getting fatter by get that way from sitting on your azz and doing nothing!

  8. Todd is so disgusting and lazy, he's really good at bossing people but it's rare to see him work, even tony beets gets down and dirty, and Todd gets fatter each show.

    1. I agree. Todd's only part is to walk around telling people to work harder so he can beat Parker. Parker has disappointed me this year with the way he has run his crew. He is going to be on his own if he keeps it up. This area is where he comes up short and his age shows through. He has no clue how much his crew is doing for him but I fear he is about to find out.

  9. I don't like the way Parker treats his crew either. They kept complaining Parker wasn't around much; where was he?

    Tony would scare me...

    I wish I knew what their operating costs were because it must be HUGE. I bet at least 75% of the profits go right back into the operation.

  10. Buford isn't at all ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
